Monday, September 19, 2011

Who is that guy?

Anyone else out there love a man with long hair and a bushy beard?  Cause I do!  Oh boy do I ever!  Obvisouly the Lola baby does too!  This is the official nod to the hubsman turning from this: 

and this:

to this:

and this:

Can you believe it?!  He doesn't even look like the same man.  Oh bushy beard and long hair how I miss thee.  But damn he is fine!  He is a crazy sexy man.  Are you looking people?!  In conclusion I think that I can love the baby faced, clean shaven and short haired hunk o'man of mine.  So baby if you are reading this just remember that you will always be my metal hippy even if you look like a missionary.  hee hee!  

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